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Protect your Adsense Code

You may not be aware but there is a potential danger to your adsense account. There is a possibility that someone might copy your adsense code onto a website with inappropriate code that may damage your whole adsense account.

This has happened at least to one person atleast who has acknowledged this. There may be more who have not reported it.

This is quite frightening if you think seriously, all your hard work can go down the drain if someone decides to hurt you real bad. But don't worry yourself to death - there is help at hand. Recently adsense added a new feature to Google Adsense Program.

Adsense has a new tab called "Allowed Sites". The two options under this tab are;

Allow any site to show ads for my account
Only allow certain sites to show ads for my account
In the second option you can any domain or sub-domain to your list of approved sites. If anyone tries to paste your code to any site other than the above list, the adsense ads will appear but you will not get any revenue from the clicks or even count impressions. Here I and many other similar thinking bloggers beg to differ from Google Adsense Program. A better option would have been to only show PSA's. Anyway Google has thought this to be right for them and this is how it works for now. So I think everybody should use this feature and protect their adsense account.

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