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Can You Really Make Money Blogging?

This is another common misconception that I hope to sort out today. The common belief is that blogging is an easy way out to making money online. One good example is provided by all the small blogspot blogs with adsense ads that have sprung up recently. These amateur bloggers believe that by writing an article or two and bombarding visitors with ads is the way to make money - but that is far from the truth.

The cold hard truth is that blogging is not an easy way to make money over the internet. I had to learn it the hard way. After reading all those great income reports by "dot com moguls" and the wealth of money making info out there, I was convinced to start my own blog. So I set it up, drop some syndicated articles and fill it with adsense ads. What was the result? My grand total income for the month was, you guessed it, $0.

But that's not to say that you can't make money online by blogging. Yes, you can make money, but only if you stick with it in the long run. It takes patience, trial and error and hard work to make even a dime. You won't see any positive results in the first few months. But by then, most bloggers would drop out dissappointed. Professional bloggers know that a good deal of money can be made by blogging in the long run. You just have to lay the foundation right.

So how do you lay the right foundation? Stay tuned because I'll tell you. There's more to follow.